Mar 15, 2013

largest elephant populations, including Angolia, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe

f they say monkeys are the brothers and sisters of the human race, then elephants are like our cousins. 
They have many human characteristics (one of which includes eating a lot :). Elephants are one of the few animals who can actually recognize themselves in the mirror and are very family friendly creatures.

When they travel, they travel in groups because they want to stay close to their loved ones as long as they can. They are also very sentimental, for when someone in their pack dies, they cry and mourn over the relative for days before migrating forward.
If you want to catch a closer to see if we really are anything like these mamoth creatures (or because the baby elephants are so adorable), then check out some countries with the largest elephant populations, including Angolia, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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